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What is mobile SEO?

Started by crescendo, 04-08-2014, 02:36:52

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crescendoTopic starter

What is mobile SEO? Is it different from usually used SEO and how it is different? Will it make any difference in rankings of the websites?


mobile search engine results depending on the type of phone you use. Google confirmed that mobile-specific page types do get tracked separately.if you want to Improve the ranking of your mobile site in search engines then adding specific keywords to each active feature on your mobile site.


Mobile SEO describes the activity of doing search engine optimization to raise your website's visibility in mobile searches. As mobile devices become more and more popular, failure to create a mobile SEO strategy and optimize your site for mobile will put you at a greater and greater disadvantage.


One of the most frequently asked questions about the mobile web is around the topic of mobile SEO.
Mobile SEO describes the activity of doing search engine optimization to increase your website's visibility in mobile searches.
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Mobile SEO is currently the hot topic in the online marketing world. According to mobile marketer, more than 30 per cent searches for brands come through mobile devices. This clearly indicates why brands are paying heed to mobile SEO. In addition, Google has made several changes to its search algorithms, with the aim of improving web surfing in mobile devices...........


Make it mobile – mobile optimization and search optimization go hand-in-hand.
Make the most of mobile – use mobile devices' unique capabilities to serve your visitors better.
Mobile is different – mobile and PC users search for different things.
Good housekeeping – apply the basic rules of Web design and SEO will follow.
Content is king – the three stages of compelling content.
Mobile friendly or mobile optimized? – use the type of mobile site that suits your customers and your requirements.
Make it local – locality and timeliness is more important to mobile searchers than PC searchers.
Make it social – make it easy for people to recommend you.
Make it fast – your mobile site should load on a smartphone in 1 second.
Don't hide content in apps – Web search engines can't search in-app content.
Get discovered – it's not just about search engines, nor is it just about the Web.
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Mobile consumers tend to use mobile devices for entertainment reasons, and for full engagement value. Specifically, mobile SEO is for people and the majority of them are social also local in nature. Now, considering mobile SEO you must assure to serve your visitors better, faster and mobile friendly.   


Search engines want to deliver the site that is the most relevant and best-equipped to answer the mobile searcher's query. Search engine spiders – the robots that patrol the Web indexing sites and content – are designed to emulate human visitors


The main idea behind mobile search engine optimization is ensuring that your website gives its mobile visitors what they are looking for in the manner that best suits their device and requirements.


 Mobile SEO is often treated like a very different animal when it's compared to the more standard SEO practices we've come to accept when creating online content. Now that you've started to master search engine optimization practices for the Internet, it's time to master a whole new skill named mobile SEO.

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