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Indexing Issue

Started by Jen, 12-05-2017, 05:51:14

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JenTopic starter

We have recently redesigned a new site: www.outdoorelegance.com.au

For some reason when the site reindexed in Google the following URL's indexed the https:// version instead of the https://www. version.

These pages are coming up on mobile as being blocked by robots.txt (which they're not) and on desktop saying that 'no information is available for this page'

This has affected the following URL's which is the source of majority of organic traffic

So far we've done the following to try and rectify the situation:

Change preferred domain in webmaster tools to the www. version
Fetched and requested indexing
Checked all URL's on the sitemap are correct

*Note that the site was previously indexed as a non www site before the security certificate was installed a few months back. Once this happened the site completely reindexed from: http:// to https://www. With no issues. It's only since the recent redesign that Google has indexed the wrong version.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as it's a very busy time of year and we are losing organic traffic.

My only thought is to completely redirect back to the https:// version (non www).


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