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Keyword Selection?

Started by vinodkumar, 06-13-2016, 04:29:34

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vinodkumarTopic starter

Hello Guys

Please tel me how i can select keywords for my project. What things i should care while selecting keywords?

Thaks and Regards


Keywords are the search terms used to find your website in search engines. They are selected using Google keyword planner to rank websites higher in search results.


Select keywords
In the Solutions application, display the solution record to which you want to add keywords.
In the Solution Keywords section of the record, click Select Keywords.
The Select Keywords dialog is displayed. The Select Keywords dialog displays a list of the keywords that are in the keywords database, except for keywords that are already associated with this solution record. Each keyword is identified by an identification number and a description.
Optionally use the filter to filter the list of keywords.
Select the check box next to one or more keywords that you want to associate with this solution record.
   Click OK.
    A new row is added to the Solution Keywords section for each keyword that you selected. Each row contains a keyword identification number, automatically assigned by the system, and the keyword. A keyword can consist or one word or multiple words separated by spaces (for example, server down).
    Click Save Solution.


I will strongly recommend you to read this article http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2013/01/keyword-selection-content-marketing-seo/
which can help you to find answers to all your questions!


Quote from: vinodkumar on 06-13-2016, 04:29:34
Hello Guys

Please tel me how i can select keywords for my project. What things i should care while selecting keywords?

Thaks and Regards

Google Adwords Keyword Reseach tool will give you a good start.
Sometime I run an ad for a few days and then extract the keyword that were searched the most.
More recently Search Console is giving excellent data.


Quote from: vinodkumar on 06-13-2016, 04:29:34
Please tel me how i can select keywords for my project. What things i should care while selecting keywords?

1 - chose your competitor sites
2 - just spy on them!)

Maine Richards

What is your subject? Use easy English words for SEO.

surya kumar

It's based on your niche. based on that you have to choose relevant on which your targeted audience you want to fall.
Use GAkeyword planner for most keywords
for suppose you are mobile review site then just check with any brand for suppose
                           iphone 8
                           iphone 8 review
                           iphone 8 specs and review
like you need check for more
here is a best article for  it. http://searchengineland.com/doing-keyword-research-here-are-some-resources-to-help-11647


Own Your Brand Terms
Get Keyword Suggestions
Beat Your Competitors
Narrow Down Your Keyword List
Build a Plan to Rank for These Target Keywords

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