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Build Backlinks

Started by seorazer, 12-24-2013, 23:13:38

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seorazerTopic starter

 Backlinks are important of any business websites. There are some easy ways to build backlikns.
_ Use backlink builder tool
_Getting listed in directories
_Posting in forums and blogs
_Content exchange and affiliate programs
_Avoid link exchange


Suggest avoid any tools to build backlinks.
Google bots are smart to understand how fast you could build links naturally.

The tools would not benefit you in the long run. It may show some upward graph between one google update to other, but will never benefit you - I my opinion.
Mall of Style


tools and automatic tools are very good if you know when to use them, for example are some great tools those who tell you about your site's metrics: PR, real PR, TrustRank, AlexaRank, etc.Rank (seomastering), SERP positioning (whatsmyserp), websites suggestions for link building based on some keywords (like ontolo), backlinks situations - sources, anchors, IPs, deeplinks (majestic, ahrefs, ose) and other informative tools, but for actions must be done all (or almost all) manually, you need to decide, after putting together all those infos, what and how to do it!
pasionat de optimizare magazine virtuale si idei din ecommerce si seo.


At current scenario, in SEO directory submission is not widely used. Most effective way to get backlink is article, bookmarking, fourm posting, blog commenting, blog creation is the best way.
newbielink:http://www.topspinmarketing.com/web_mobile_and_social_media.asp [nonactive]


According to me, content marketing is the best strategy today to build quality backlinks. Produce unique and information-rich content in bulk and submit these into different blogs, guest blogs, article submission sites, web 2.0 free blogs, etc.
newbielink:http://www.fatthecreatives.com/services/fashion-design/ [nonactive] by FAT - The Creatives

Donna D. Phillips

You can build backlinks using the following techniques:
Video submission.
Video distribution.
Social bookmarking.
Image backlinking.
Rss feed.
EDU profiling.


As you probably know, this is one of the valuable strategies to move your site to the top of Google's result page. However, backlinks are getting crucial and critical each day, you have to work before earning quality of it. In actual fact, the more easily you acquire a backlink, the less value it will likely have.


Quote from: Donna D. Phillips on 04-02-2014, 01:44:58
You can build backlinks using the following techniques:
Video submission.
Video distribution.
Social bookmarking.
Image backlinking.
Rss feed.
EDU profiling.

Web2.0 Submission is so good, It's can help you create backlink high PR nolimited.


You can build backlinks on this given high ranking sites

Google Profiles





And other high ranking website
Best SEO Service  HIGH PAGE RANK SEO SERVICE 32 High PR(8-10) Backlinks & Visitors


In 2014, i think visual representation of content is best bet to earn links like Infographic creation, PPT and PDF creations etc. I advise not to use any automated link building tool as Google bot is now very smart and can catch spam many layer deep.

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