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Most important SEO technique

Started by oleshka, 05-23-2010, 15:45:55

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oleshkaTopic starter

There are so many SEO techniques. If you were to pick one SEO technique that generates the most results, which would it be?Is link building the most important?
How much more important is link building compared to the second most important SEO technique?


Firstly, onsite optimization.
Then, of course, link building.


SEO is a complex process of many techniques, we can't say what is important or what is not. Without on-page optimization link building is worthless and without link building on-page optimization not so effective. So if you need to optimize your website then you should follow both on-page and off-page technique.

Happy SEO!!


For me it appears keyword selection is the most important SEO technique because every thing is built around the selection of key words.


One should probe whether search engine spiders can crawl dynamic pages too that have the character '?' within the URL.


I would say that commitment is the most important SEO technique.  SEO needs a long-term look and patience.


On site optimisation such as making sure your keywords are in the body of your text and put them in bold. These simple tricks will help then of course its link building!


I tend to agree with a3web. First thing you should do is optimizing your websites and pages. For instance, posting quality content with keywords and keep updating it. And then build links to get traffic.


On this page will enpower You with the information that will move You towards that goal.
SEO Techniques will help to optimize your website so you will get a higher Search Engine Results Position (SERP).

SEO Techniques give the Search Engines some time to send out their bots to deep crawl your website, your site traffic will increase. This means when they search keywords phrases like SEO techniques, they will find you site page on the first page of the search engine results.

The following list of SEO Techniques:

1)Domain Names & File Names
2)Keyword Phrases
3)Keyword Density
4)Title & Meta tag Description
5)Meta tag Keywords
6)Author and Robot tags
7)Quality Content
8)Quantity Content
9)Changing Content
11)Site Map
12)Site Themes
13)Site Design
14)Separate Content and Presentation
15)Robo. txt File


Thanks dvdv, great list! Could anybody continue ? 16), 17) ...

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