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SEO important Work

Started by question1234, 08-13-2013, 01:08:03

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question1234Topic starter

Hello Guy's please tell me which work is important for Search engine optimization on regular basis..


After doing On Page, you can start Off Page daily task. But remember that quality work is more important in SEO than doing quantity work.


Hi... This is commoditytipsadvisory and SEO is a professional work and it is useful for link building. When we want to link to another website so we do use SEO.
Normally SEO provide ranking to our website it is must for any website because every website need to link building.

Thank you...
Commodity !-!Advisory

Dave Heine

SEO is a on going process. You need to updates and posting something related to services for generating good traffic or business. Following are the steps you need to do:

1: Technical Issues Fixing (One Time)
2: On page Optimization (One Time)
3: Off page optimization (On going)
4: Social media optimization (on going)
5: Blogging (on going)
6: Inbound Marketing (on going)
7: Content Marketing (on going)

Hope above points will help you.
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Consider the following points when writing content:

    Which audience are you focusing on?
    Which content has had successful link-building in the past?
    Which content has had the most shares and audience engagement in the past?
    What is your SEO plan for the next few months?
    Is there any complementary content that you can provide to shadow the content you will be releasing?
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Donna D. Phillips

Getting traffic for website is SEO's one of the major goal and to fulfill this people do lots of task in SEO like posting, writing article, creating video's, these all tasks are needed to to be done on regular basis.

Ronald Vance

I think building baklinks on regular basis is the most important SEO work, because if you will create them at once then Google may penalize you for spam, so you should create it on regular basis.


SEO can help make the content on your website more relevant and easier to understand when the search engines are crawling your site and indexing the data.


We have to indexed the backlinks created using different SEO techniques and is essential for improving site ranking in different SE's that's why indexing is really important SEO work for better visibility of website in SE's.


Agenore Lucciano

Building high quality backlinks on a regular basis is a very important task in SEO but we need to build a quality website for getting quality backlinks.

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