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What web host can you recommand?

Started by ngomaichi, 04-22-2016, 21:31:34

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ngomaichiTopic starter


I'm searching for a web host what should meet the following criteria:

OS: Linux
PHP (the latest stable version if possible)
MySQL (min 7 databases)
phpMyAdmin (preloaded or possible to add by my self)
Piwik (preloaded or possible to add by my self)
FTP access
SSH access
One domain name (.org or .net)
At least 10GB of space, the more the better (it will need to host plenty of plain text files)
Price IS an important criteria

The best would be if it would be possible to just have a plain server running some version of Linux, perhaps with a LAMP stack preinstalled. What way the criteria for FTP and SSH (and PHP, MySQL and Apache to) would be filled).

And as price is an important criteria I would be ready to install phpMyAdmin and Piwik my self it the price is lower then.


P.S. I don't want prices what are low temporary, they should stay about the same for a longer time.


I believe that it will be a good idea to contact Hostwinds and tell them your requirements - then, see what hosting solution you'll get and at how much price.
You will be very pleased. Initial site up in hours, all support queries are responded to extremely quickly, easy control panel for a novices, etc.

Use the coupon code: 50OFF16 for 50% off their first month.


I can recommend DailyRazor.com hosting. Uptime is (nearly) 100%. You know, I've encountered a few small hick-ups in the last 9 months but in fact I haven't encountered any problems during the last 5 months.

You'll get all the help you need from the very beginning of your relationship with these people, and at a remarkably competitive price.


When it comes to hosting, go for the time tested and trusted brands in the hosting business like:

1) Kvchosting.com - Get 20% off for life on their reseller, ssd vps and ssd seo hosting, using the code: "bhw20"
2) Swissns.ch - Use 20% discount promo code: SNS20OFF

Their stability, reliability and reputation go outside the bounds in every aspect of the question.


You will be pleased if you choose Plusplushosting.net  8) - their support replies within seconds.
Best of all, my site is noticeably more responsive. The will always go the extra effort, been with them almost 8 months and never regretted it once.
What I want to add is that network and server uptime is quite good.
'Dream' as if you'll live forever..Live as if tomorrow is last one...

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