Apache Lenya

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Apache Lenya
Developer(s) Apache Software Foundation
Initial release ?
Written in Java/XML
Operating system Java 2 Platform (OS-independent)
Available in ?
Development status Active
Type Content management system
License Apache License 2.0
Website http://lenya.apache.org

Apache Lenya is a Java/XML open-source content management system based on the Apache Cocoon content management framework. Features include revision control, scheduling, search capabilities, workflow support, and browser-based WYSIWYG editors.

Lenya was originally started by Michael Wechner in early 1999 to manage the content of the journal of pattern formation. Michael previously did basic research in physics by writing computer simulations on dendritic growth.

In early 2000 Michael co-founded Wyona, which continued to develop Lenya on the basis of the interactive newspaper edition of Neue Zürcher Zeitung. The name Lenya is a combination of the names of his two sons Levi and Vanya.

In the spring of 2003, Wyona donated Lenya to the Apache Software Foundation, where Lenya was incubated and became a Top Level Project in September 2004.

See also

External links

de:Apache Lenya es:Apache Lenya fr:Apache Lenya nl:Apache Lenya pl:Apache Lenya pt:Apache Lenya th:อะแพชี เล็นยา

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