Borland Together

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Developer(s) Borland
Stable release 2008
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Java IDE, UML modeling tool
License Proprietary

Together is a product line from Borland that integrates a Java IDE, which originally had its roots in JBuilder with a UML modeling tool.

The product line used to come in various levels of functionality, called Together Developer, Together Designer, and Together Architect, however, since 2007, they have been unified into a single product. Earlier versions of the Together products were completely proprietary self-contained applications, whereas from the 2006 version onwards they are based on Eclipse. The installation even allows to install Together using an existing Eclipse installation. This version no longer comes in multiple editions, and can be used for all the previous roles.

Technically, Together is a set of Eclipse plugins. Together Developer provides UML 1.4 modeling, multilanguage support, physical data modeling, design patterns, source code design pattern recognition, code template design and reuse, documentation generation, and code audits and metrics. Together adds language-neutral UML 2.0 diagramming, business process modeling, and logical data modeling,and logical to physical data model transformation and custom pattern support.

  • Support for Eclipse 3.2.
  • BPMN diagrams can be created by import from and used to generate output to business process execution language with Web Services definitions (BPEL4WS).
  • Audits and metrics which are now provided at both the model and code level.
  • Model audits and metrics are defined in industry standard Object Constraint Language (OCL) 2.0
  • Enhanced support for UML, Design Patterns, Java 6, C++, CORBA

See also

External links


de:Together nl:TogetherSoft pt:Together

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