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Boxbe is a company based in San Francisco that provides a whitelist based email filter that uses challenge/response for unknown senders. Users of the service can share their whitelist with other Boxbe users, using their friend of a friend network to screen their email.[1] Boxbe uses DKIM and SPF to verify the authenticity of the identity of the sender.[2] Boxbe works with Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Google Apps, AOL Mail and offers a disposable email address.


Boxbe was founded in 2005 by Thede Loder and Corbett Barr. Venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Esther Dyson were both investors, with Dyson and Steve Jurvetson serving as board members.[3] Beyond challenge response, Boxbe initially used the Attention Bond Mechanism (the option of paying a fee to deliver the email) as a way to filter spam,[4] which they later abandoned. Boxbe company founder Thede Loder along with Marshall Van Alstyne and Rick Wash wrote the initial paper on Attention Bond Mechanism[5] which describes the Attention Bond as "allowing recipients to define a price that senders must risk to deliver the initial message."[6]


External links

es:Antispam pt:Antispam

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