Customer Information Quality

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On 11 October 2000 an OASIS Technical Committee has been formed to address Customer Information Quality. It had been proposed by Ram Kumar, Cognito, Inc; Vincent Buller, AND Data Solutions; John Bennett,; and Graham Lobsey, Cognito, Inc.

The current chair is Ram Kumar.


The objective of the OASIS CIQ TC is to deliver a set of XML Specifications for defining, representing, interoperating and managing party information (e.g. name, address, party specific information including party relationships) that are truly open, vendor neutral, industry and application independent, and importantly "Global" (ability to represent international data formats such as different types of party names and addresses used in 241+ countries). [1]

See also

  • OASIS, The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
  • HR-XML, an independent, non-profit consortium dedicated to enabling e-commerce and inter-company exchange of human resources data worldwide.

External links

Template:OASIS Standards

de:Customer Information Quality

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