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FusionCharts is a data visualization component for generating dynamic Flash charts that can be embedded in web and desktop applications. Built using ActionScript, FusionCharts is essentially a collection of SWF files that automatically generate charts based on data and configuration settings provided in custom XML format.[1]

FusionCharts is the product of InfoSoft Global (P) Ltd. - an ISV headquartered in Kolkata, India. InfoSoft Global is the licensor of the FusionCharts Suite and all other data visualization solutions that are distributed under the FusionCharts brand.[2]


The first commercial version of FusionCharts - FusionCharts v1, was single-handedly developed by Pallav Nadhani, the co-founder of InfoSoft Global (P) Ltd.[3] FusionCharts was introduced at a time when the true potential of the Flash technology was still unrealized by a vast majority of the development community, and Flash was chiefly used for creating website intros. Nadhani, who was then a high-school student, stumbled upon the idea of using Flash for data visualization upon being offered an opportunity to author an article on information technology. The article that Nadhani authored presented a unique concept of amalgamating Flash with ASP.[4] It is the idea of infusing dynamicity into Flash applications with the help of ASP that inspired the development of FusionCharts v1, which was eventually released on October 22, 2002.[5]

The FusionCharts Suite

The term FusionCharts Suite is used as a collective reference for FusionCharts and 3 other data visualization products, developed by InfoSoft Global.[6]

Components of the FusionCharts Suite

FusionCharts is a charting component for generating animated charts. It supports 2D and 3D versions of standard plot types: column, line, bar, area and pie.[6]
FusionWidgets is a data visualization component for generating real-time gauges and charts. It provides innovative KPI indicators such as dial gauge (speedometer chart), linear gauge and bullet graph. The component also provides real-time versions of standard charts in addition to the gantt chart, funnel chart, Pyramid chart and sparklines.[6]
FusionMaps is a data-driven map builder used for depicting geographical distribution of quantitative data. The component offers world maps, continental maps and maps of major countries.[6]
PowerCharts is a tool for advanced data visualization. It can be used for generating simulation models, plotting stock quotes and network planning. The component supports organizational charts, logarithmic scale charts, network diagrams, inverse scale charts, financial analysis charts etc.[6]

Vertical Solutions

InfoSoft Global has released several add-on components and plugins to facilitate implementation of the FusionCharts Suite in popular applications and various development platforms. Vertical solutions of FusionCharts are available for Adobe Flex, Adobe Dreamweaver, FileMaker and Visual Basic.[4]

FusionCharts Free - Open Source

FusionCharts Free was released on March 19, 2007. The product is a stripped-down version of FusionCharts offering 22 types of basic charts. It provides support for cosmetic customization, drill-down and a number of other features.[7]

On August 28, 2009 - FusionCharts Free was made open source under the GPL and MIT license. The license agreement allows un-restricted modification of the source code and permits the user to freely distribute the customized version of the product.[8]

External links


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