Java Web Services Development Pack

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The Java Web Services Development Pack (JWSDP) is a free software development kit (SDK) for developing Web Services, Web applications and Java applications with the newest technologies for Java.

JWSDP has been replaced by GlassFish. All components of JWSDP are part of GlassFish and WSIT and several are in Java SE 6 ("Mustang"). The source is available under the Open Source Initiative-approved CDDL license.

Java APIs

These are the components and APIs available in the JWSDP 1.6:

Starting with JWSDP 1.6, the JAX-RPC and JAX-WS implementations support the Fast Infoset standard for the binary encoding of the XML infoset.

Earlier versions of JWSDP also included:

Related technologies

There are many other Java implementations of Web Services or XML processors. Some of them support the Java standards, some support other standards or non-standard features. Related technologies include:

External links

de:Java Web Services Development Pack es:Java Web Services Development Pack ja:Java Web Services Development Pack

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