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MANOC (Manchester Network Operation Centre) is the home to UKFast's servers and network.

MANOC I & MANOC II originally started as facilities with in data centres owned by Manchester University. MANOC I was located in the Computer Building on Oxford Road. After Manchester University realised they did not have sufficient power to grow or maintain the facility if it grew much larger, a new MANOC (MANOC II) was established again with the University of Manchester, this time in the Science Park.[1] It’s the UK’s second biggest internet hub and a nerve centre for the North West: almost all of Manchester’s net traffic goes through here.[2]

MANOC's largest customer UKFast hosts over 2500 rack servers in its facility and as a result of UKFasts growth a new facility was planned to be acquired from UKGrid in August 2008 in central Manchester to keep up with the demand in a deal worth £9.6m,[3]

MANOC III is expected to be live and running commercially before the end of 2009 and it has enough rackspace and power to host another 2500 servers. It is the first intelligently green data centre in Manchester and it utilises equipment that saves power in the way it cools the building.



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