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For the memetics concept, see meme pool.

Memepool is a multiple-author weblog that lists links to interesting, obscure, weird, or funny items on the web along with a bit of commentary. Items often include multiple links with contents that conflict or comment on each other, similar to the sarcastic stylings of Postings to the blog are sporadic.

Memepool was founded in 1998 by Joshua Schachter and a number of the early contributors, making it one of the earliest weblogs. It is maintained by Schachter and Jeff Smith. On March 6, 2007, Memepool had its first postings since January 8, 2007, marking the longest hiatus in the blog's history. Since April 22, 2008, no new posts have been made.

Unlike many weblogs, Memepool has neither a commenting system nor any significant element of self-revelation by its authors. Memepool therefore does not host its own "community"; nevertheless it is a well-known site within the world of weblogs.

Memepool has an Internet Relay Chat channel,

External links

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