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MiaCMS logo
Screenshot of Administrator Interface
Developer(s) The MiaCMS Team
Stable release 4.8

Latest releases

/ January 17, 2009; 494642985 ago
Written in PHP & JavaScript
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Content management system
License GNU General Public License v2
Website http://miacms.org

MiaCMS is a powerful, flexible, and easy to use open source content management system. It can be used to build websites of all shapes, sizes, and scenarios. MiaCMS features simple installation, graphical (WYSIWYG) HTML editors, RSS content syndication, a powerful 3rd party extension system, flexible theming capabilities, site search, RESTful content access, user management, multilingual capabilities, plus much more.

MiaCMS is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2. It is written with the PHP & JavaScript programming languages and uses the MySQL database. The official project site can be found at http://miacms.org, and an online demo of MiaCMS is available at Open Source CMS Demo.


MiaCMS is thoroughly tested on Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Linux or one of the BSD's are recommended, but anything else that can run the three pieces of software listed above should work just fine.

MiaCMS History

MiaCMS started as a fork of Mambo.

  • April 2008: Four former Mambo core developers fork Mambo and form MiaCMS. The founding members are Chad Auld, Ozgur Cem Sen, Richard Ong, and Al Warren. The reasons behind the fork can be found on the project's main site here. The initial fork is based on a Mambo 4.6.3 SVN snapshot just prior to their 4.6.4 release.
  • May 2008: The first release, MiaCMS 4.6.4, is launched. Its code name is Flourish. Here are the release notes for 4.6.4.
  • June 2008: The 2nd release, MiaCMS 4.6.5, is launched. Its code name is Eclipse. Here are the release notes for 4.6.5. The project also launches it official site designs and creates the official logo.
  • August 2008: A security patch was released to deal with some XSS issues in the 4.6.5 release.
  • September 2008: Version 4.6.5 SP1 was released. This version was the 4.6.5 release prepacked with the SP1 patch so users would not have to install and then immediately patch. MiaCMS is also selected as a finalists in the Packt Publishing 2008 Open Source CMS Awards competition under the "Most Promising Open Source CMS" category. Another former Mambo core developer, Neil Thompson, has joined the MiaCMS core development team.
  • October 2008: MiaCMS ties for 3rd place in the Packt Publishing 2008 Open Source CMS Awards competition under the "Most Promising Open Source CMS" category. One of the teams core developers, Chad Auld, is also named in Packt Publishing's 2008 list of "Most Valued People from Open Source Content Management Systems".
  • November 2008: Version 4.8 beta is released for testing and community feedback.
  • January 2009: Version 4.8 is officially released. This release bring OpenID support (versions 1 & 2), content versioning, a brand new and vastly improved JavaScript architecture, a Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) upgrade (from 2.5.2 to 2.6.0), an enhancement to the Related Articles module, new versions of the Byte & MOStlyCE editors, and plenty of bug fixes and other general enhancements. Here are the release notes for 4.8.


Versions 5.0 is currently under development.

5.0+ (planned features/enhancements):

  • Improved Password Security
  • Human Friendly URLs Implementation
  • Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Menu System Improvements
  • New Core Framework (Highly Object Oriented and PHP 5 only)
  • Removal of Itemid
  • Dublin Core Metadata
  • Additional Editor Options (i.e.) Markdown
  • N-Level Content Organization (remove the two tier section/category limitation)
  • Writeable REST Interface
  • Multi-Site Management
  • Improved File & Image Management
  • OAuth
  • LDAP

See also


External links

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