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Developer(s) EngageMedia
Stable release 0.2.3 / January 19, 2009; 494498680 ago
Written in Python
Operating system Linux
Development status Active

Plumi is a free software video sharing content management system based on Plone and produced by the EngageMedia collective. Plumi allows users to create a video sharing site by adding it to an existing Plone instance. The software includes a wide array of functionality to facilitate video distribution and community creation.


Plumi was first released in July 2007. The second major release occurred on February 8, 2008. A 0.2.1 bug fix release occurred on September 24.


  • Video uploading in any format (over http)
  • Server-side flash video transcoding and embedded playback using IndyTube
  • Vodcasting based on country, genre, member, topic.
  • Tagging
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Extendable workflow, roles and permissions system
  • Live search and RSS feeds from search results
  • Customised Workspaces for hosting files and other works, which can be made private or shared only with particular site members
  • Embedded Playback of Quicktime, Flash video, Real and Windows Media within the browser using vPIP
  • Custom profile page] for site members with personal latest videos vodcast feed
  • Open Content Licensing including Creative Commons and GNU Free Documentation License and the ability to add your own custom licenses.
  • Callouts - custom content item for seeking submissions to film festivals, DVD compilations or crew to work on a production.


Plumi is a community based free software project. It is developed by people/companies from all around the world using the following technologies in order to carry out work in a collaborative fashion as well as to communicate:


External links


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