SASL (programming language)

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Paradigm functional
Appeared in 1972
Designed by David Turner
Influenced by ISWIM
Influenced KRC, Miranda, Haskell

SASL (from St. Andrews Static Language, alternatively St. Andrews Standard Language) is a purely functional programming language developed by David Turner at the University of St Andrews in 1972, based on the applicative subset of ISWIM[1]. In 1976 Turner redesigned and reimplemented it as a non-strict (lazy) language[2]. In this form it was the foundation of Turner's later languages KRC and Miranda, but SASL appears to be untyped whereas Miranda has polymorphic types.


  1. Turner, An implementation of SASL
  2. Turner , A New Implementation Technique for Applicative Languages, pages 31-49


  • Turner, D.A.. "An Implementation of SASL". University of St. Andrews, Department of Computer Science Technical Report TR/75/4. 
  • Turner, D.A. (1979). "A New Implementation Technique for Applicative Languages". Software - Practice and Experience 9: 31. doi:10.1002/spe.4380090105. 

See also

ru:SASL (язык программирования)

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