Social Desktop

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Social Desktop logo
File:Social desktop plasmoid.png
Social Desktop Plasmoid (KDE 4.3 beta)

The Social Desktop idea describes how online communities and web collaborations can be integrated into Desktop Environments such as KDE and GNOME and how they could directly accessed by desktop applications such as a Plasmoids.[1] A core idea of the Social Desktop is to connect and to improve the communication in the free software community between the user. Its main pillars are user generated contents such as applications, artwork, an event database and a common knowledge base. Integrating this kind of information and data to the desktop and to be accessible for everyone is the main goal of the initiators.
The idea was presented for the first time on Akademy 2008 by Frank Karlitschek.[2]


Backend of the Social Desktop is Open Collaboration Services API.[3] As it is a standard it allows to have several different and independent backend provider for the Social Desktop.

Parts of the Social Desktop


Highly personalised newsfeed with specific user-selected data and news.

People and Groups

Finding new people with the same passion, connecting with and meeting them, sharing of interesting topics and knowledge in groups is possible.


Informs users about their friends' activities, e.g. a friend posted a new blog entry or a friend of mine is looking for a new job.


An event database which informs people about open source conferences or Linux User Group meetings nearby them is also part of the Social Desktop. Every user is allowed to create and to enregister new events, to take part in them and to comment the event.

Knowledge Base

Questions concerning applications can be posted and their responds are viewable for everyone. Tips and tricks and short guidances from project owners or users can be posted.


Many of this features are already visibly and usable via the site A first realisation of the concept is now implemented as a plasmoid (a desktop widget) for the KDE desktop. The release of KDE 4.3 in July 2009 is going to have a so called Social Desktop Plasmoid integrated. Furthermore the official KDE community forum is also working on integrating the Open Collaboration Services API in the platform.[4]


External links

de:Social Desktop

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