Stanford Digital Library Project

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The Stanford Digital Library Project (SDLP) (also called The Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project and The Standford Digital Library Technologies Project) was a research program run by Hector Garcia-Molina, Terry Winograd, Dan Boneh, and Andreas Paepcke at Stanford University in the mid-1990s to 2004.[1] The primary goal of the SDLP project was to "provide an infrastructure that affords interoperability among heterogeneous, autonomous digital library services."[2] and described elsewhere as "to develop the enabling technologies for a single, integrated and "universal" library, proving uniform access to the large number of emerging networked information sources and collections."[3]

The SDLP is notable in the history of Google as a primary sources of funding for Lawrence Page's and Sergey Brin (Brin was also supported by a NSF graduate fellowship) during the period they developed the precursors and initial versions of the Google search engine prior to the incorporation of Google as a private entity.[4] It was also while at Stanford working under the SDLP that Lawrence Page filed his patent for PageRank.[5]

The SDLP itself was funded by coalition of federal agencies including the National Science Foundation as well as donations from industry sponsors.[3][4]


  1. "The Stanford Digital Libraries Technologies Project". Retrieved 2009-07-24. 
  2. Baldonado, Michelle; Chen-chuan K Chang, Luis Gravano, Andreas Paepcke (1997). The Stanford Digital Library Metadata Architecture. Retrieved 2009-07-24. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project, Award Abstract #9411306, September 1, 1994 through August 31, 1999 (Estimated), award amount $4,516,573.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Brin, Sergey; Lawrence Page (1998). "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine". COMPUTER NETWORKS AND ISDN SYSTEMS 30: 107--117. Retrieved 2009-07-24. 
  5. Patent Number: 6285999 Page, Lawrence (2001-09-04), Method for node ranking in a linked database,,285,999.PN.&OS=PN/6,285,999&RS=PN/6,285,999, retrieved 2009-07-24 

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