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WikiJob is a wiki style website designed for and used by those involved in and applying for careers at city firms, including both students and graduates, and professionals involved in investment banking, consulting, accountancy and law. Its readership expands beyond this, however, and includes journalists, recruiters, careers officers and others from outside of the city spectrum[citation needed].

The site aims to provide an insight into the working culture of city based employers in the United Kingdom as well as information about careers, interviews and assessment days at these firms. Almost every page of the site is open for users to edit, allowing both job seekers and employers to contribute real life information to company profiles.

History and content

The site was established in 2007 by Edward Mellett and Chris Muktar, both graduates of the University of Manchester.[1][2] After graduating, Mellett and Muktar went on to work in recruitment and accountancy respectively, before leaving to set up WikiJob.[3]

The site has received attention from national press,[4] industry press,[5] and a graduate careers publication.[3] In September and October 2008, the site was also featured on BBC News 24 and BBC Radio 4's Today programme.[citation needed] In August 2009 the site was again featured on the BBC News Channel as well as the main BBC Ten O'Clock News.

Awards and Recognition

Both site founders Edward Mellett and Chris Muktar are members of the Courvoisier Future 500, [6].

In August 2009 WikiJob was declared to be in The Guardian's Top 100 tech media companies of the year [7].

Discussion board

The messageboard is a key feature of the site, allowing students and graduates to exchange information about interviews they are currently applying for or preparing for.

This board has grown in popularity rapidly since implementation and continues to receive many daily posts from various new as well as long term users[citation needed]. Posts debate interview technique and necessary interview preparation, detail assessment days for graduate employers and discuss the benefits of specific companies compared to others.


External links

  • - homepage - cannot be linked due to spam filtering

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