Youdao (有道) is a search engine released by Chinese internet leviathan, NetEase (網易) in 2007. It is the featured search engine of its parent company's web portal,, and lets users search for web pages, images, news, music, blogs, Chinese-to-English dictionary entries, and more.
Youdao (Chinese: 有道; pinyin: YǒuDào) roughly translates as “there's a way”. According to promoters, Youdao hopes to compete with the likes of Google search, SoGou (Chinese: 搜狗; pinyin: SōuGǒu), and Baidu (Chinese: 百度; pinyin: Bǎidù) within five years.[citation needed]
The user-agent string of Youdao spider is named YodaoBot[1] or YoudaoBot[2].
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