Zeus Web Server

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Zeus Web Server is a web server for Unix and Unix-like platforms (currently Solaris, FreeBSD, HP-UX and Linux). Support for AIX, Tru64, and Mac OS X was dropped on 10 June 2008.[1]

It is developed by Zeus Technology, a software company located in Cambridge, England. The original authors and company founders were University of Cambridge graduates Damian Reeves and Adam Twiss.

Zeus is designed to be a high-performance web server[2] and was commonly used by hardware vendors submitting SPECweb99 benchmarks for their hardware.[3] The SPECweb99 benchmark was retired in 2005 and replaced by SPECweb2005.[4] While some SPECweb2005 submissions were made using Zeus, as of 2008 it is no longer among the top performers.[5]

In addition to static content serving, Zeus supports dynamic content via CGI, FastCGI, Apache JServ, ISAPI, NSAPI, mod_perl, SSI and Zeus Distributed Authentication and Content (ZDAC), a proprietary FastCGI-like protocol. While Zeus mainly competes with other commercial web servers such as Sun Java System Web Server, it also claims a high degree of compatibility with Apache HTTP Server (e.g. .htaccess and mod_rewrite), with the expectation that Apache users will migrate to Zeus as their server load increases.[6] NSAPI and ISAPI are supported to ease migrations from Microsoft IIS and Sun Java System Web Server.


  1. "ZWS: selected platforms - end-of-life announcement (News)". Zeus. 10 December 2007. http://support.zeus.com/zws/news/2007/12/10/zws_platform_eol_dec2007. Retrieved 2008-12-21. 
  2. "Web Server Software". Zeus. http://www.zeus.com/products/zws. Retrieved 2008-12-21. 
  3. "All SPECweb99 Results". SPEC. Nov 21 2005. http://www.spec.org/web99/results/web99.html. Retrieved 2008-12-21. 
  4. "Retired SPEC Benchmarks". SPEC. http://spec.org/retired.html. Retrieved 2008-12-21. 
  5. "All SPECweb2005 Results". SPEC. Dec 19 2008. http://spec.org/web2005/results/web2005.html. Retrieved 2008-12-21. 
  6. Clyman, John (2002-01-15). "Zeus Web Server 4.0". Server's Advantage PC Magazine Editor's Choice Winner (PC Magazine). http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,11536,00.asp. Retrieved 2008-12-21. 

See also

External links

fr:Zeus Web Server ko:제우스 (웹 서버)

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