Google Bookmarks

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Google Bookmarks is a free online bookmark storage service, available to Google Account holders[1]. It allows one to bookmark favorite websites and add labels or tags, and also notes.

Users can access their bookmarks from any computer by signing in to their Gmail account. The bookmarks are searchable, and searches are performed on the full text of the bookmarked pages, not just the labels and notes.

Google toolbar has tools enabling a user to easily create bookmarks and quickly access them. Bookmarks can also be created manually from the web interface, or by use of third-party tools such as Firefox extensions created for the purpose of managing the user's Google Bookmarks account[2] and keeping them synchronized to the browser's bookmarks.

A simple javascript function labeled Google Bookmark is created on the Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar, which opens a window to save the bookmark to the Google Bookmarks. This same function can be imported into other browsers as a bookmarklet[3].

Unlike (owned by Yahoo), which is a social tool to share your bookmarks with the community, this service is only for personal and private use with no option to share bookmarks with others, and no option to see what is popular in others' bookmarks[4]. Nevertheless, many websites will encourage bookmarking to Google Bookmarks through third party buttons on their sites, knowing that Google's search engine keeps tabs and considers these bookmarks significant in the results for public search.[5]


  1. Bookmarks Google help
  2. Official list of add-ons for Firefox
  3. Alex Chitu, "Useful Google Bookmarklets", Google Operating System
  4. Alex Chitu, "Google Bookmarks FAQ", Google Operating System
  5. Eric Ward, "Google Personalized Search, Google Bookmarks & Link Building", Search Engine Land (Mar. 5, 2007).

External links

ar:علامات جوجل pl:Google Bookmarks vi:Google Bookmarks yi:גוגל בוקמארקס zh:Google书签

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