Google PowerMeter

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Google PowerMeter is a software application being developed by Google's philanthropic arm, to help consumers track their home electricity usage.[1] The development of the software is part of an effort by Google to invest in renewable energy, electricity grid upgrades and other measures that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Google on October 05, 2009, announced the launch software tool, Google PowerMeter, which easily allows you to see personal home energy data.

Google PowerMeter combined with TED 5000 (TED stands for "The Energy Detective") from Energy Inc., which is an energy monitor that measures electricity usage in real-time, can help you understand your electricity usage to save energy and money. The device as of now, available only in North America. [2] [3]

The software will be able to record the user's electricity usage in near real-time. Users would be able to track their electricity and gas use through a chart, and access that information from a widget on their iGoogle home page.[1] It is hoped that this tool will raise the home-owner's awareness of how much energy they use and make users more energy efficient.[1] According to the company, if half of America's homes' energy use was cut by ten percent, it would equal taking eight million cars off the road.

PowerMeter depends on the use of a smart meter which is able to track electricity usage much more accurately than standard electric meters. According to Google, there are approximately 40 million smart meters in use worldwide.[1] By early 2009, approximately 7% of US homes had a smart meter installed.[citation needed]

See also


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