midori Javascript Framework

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Developer(s) Aycan Gulez
Stable release 2009.11 / November 15, 2009; 468538269 ago
Written in JavaScript
Type Web application framework
License MIT License
Website http://www.midorijs.com

midori is a lightweight[1] JavaScript library that aims to make JavaScript web development easier. It was created by Aycan Gulez.



midori consists of 10 modules and is available as a single JavaScript file. It can be included within any web page by using the following markup:

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/midori.js"></script>

midori allows the use of standard CSS syntax to access DOM elements, and supports most CSS2 and CSS3 selectors[2]. There are three ways to work on returned DOM elements.

  • Passing JavaScript code to modify a single property, using the built-in apply() method:
// Sets the background color of all the cells in even rows to "yellow" in the "cities" table
midori.get('#cities tr:nth-child(even) td').apply('style.backgroundColor = "yellow"');
  • Passing a function that takes a single parameter for more complex operations, again using the apply() method:
// Marks the cells whose values are 12 or bigger in the "cities" table
midori.get('#cities td').apply(function (o) {
   if (parseInt(o.innerHTML) >= 12) o.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
} );
  • Directly accessing array entries returned by midori.get() is also possible.
// Returns the first div element
var firstDiv = midori.get('div')[0];


External links

es:Midori (biblioteca) pl:Midori (biblioteka programistyczna)

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