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TigerWiki was a minimalist open source flat file wiki software written in PHP by Chabel. Based on roWiki, it takes its basis while adding several functionalities such as password protection and the management of page revisions.

The development of TigerWiki was discontinued in September 2007. However, many forks emerged as its successors:

  • LionWiki adds support for interface and content internationalization, read protection, new plugins (comments, captcha, ajax editing ...) etc. Hosted at http://lionwiki.0o.cz. It's still in development.
  • WiKiss - french language fork, partially compatible with LionWiki
  • PumaWiki - internationalization, simple upload etc.
  • WiKissMe - derivative from WiKiss and influenced by TigerWiki. It is a personal wiki content management system featuring plugins, blog, comments and captcha modules. Supports templates driven themes.
  • kakwiki - fork of TigerWiki 2.19. Adds user support, themes, tags, and some administration pages. It's still in development.

External links

fr:TigerWiki it:TigerWiki

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